Friday, November 12, 2010

Keep it real and holding tight to the reality

Who need a perfect life if all you have to do is fantasizing? Noted here, fantasy, not dream. It just quite a nature, life is never will be fair to you. In other words, you may find yourself in the arm of the most handsome man in the world, but at the end of day, you will just admit to yourself, if he worth it? I mean you look at yourself, sometime it just unfair that you got to tell him how beautiful creature is he, and you cannot be able to say to yourself. Holding to reality, you know you're amazing, but sometimes, those little whisper shake your confidence.
    I always find myself in a dream where all my love is there, family, friends, best friends.  And right where I standing, just a perfect angel-like, protecting me from all the danger. Damn sometimes it was too real I wish I could sleep all day. Sometimes I feel like hate waking up to reality, where world is so cruel, and dream is so perfect. This dream will happen to me in the fortnight, or once in a year, once in six months. It happen to more than once. The problem is, what I feel in the dream, is just too real to believe myself. I once cried because waking up. 

    I even had a wish one day that God will never meet me with anyone so that I will be with this man, in my dream, eternally. Or it might have just make it into the real world guy. 

   A little strong grip to reality is all I need, yes, a little out of reality is what we need. Sometimes it make me think, is all this, is worth the time??? 
"Maybe I know somewhere deep in
my soul that love never lasts"

"You can be a sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare  
Either way I, don't wanna wake up from you"

"Sick of all the insincere
So I'm gonna give all my secrets away"

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Fresh and organic veggy

I always remember at one time, I had a dinner in one restaurant with my family, and the vegetable I ate taste bitter. And then my dad said it cannot be eaten, because it content lots of chemical pesticide that they often used to kill insect. My dad favorite past time is gardening, because his only option to get fresh veggies is by plant it himself, even in local farmer market it was hardly to find organic veggies and fruits. So by that moment, I watched what I eat, if not in dad's house, I will go for option for organic veggies. 
     My aunt once had a small surgery for her breast because she had tumor on it ( is that what they call?? I don't know the medical term). She is kinda person that lived in big city, prefer to go to TESCO or CARREFOUR cause the best deal they had on veggies and fruits, and she is a monster in eating eggs. Imagine she can finish up a carton of eggs that contain 36 eggs/ carton in a week. And after she's going through all those surgery, the doctor had advise her to avoid taking lots of process eggs ( the organic one is the best), always go for the organic foods because they aren't likely to contain much chemical in it. I found this article on what veggies you should go for organic on Reader's Digest because those foods often contain lot more pesticide that others that are offered in market

The top 3 culprits:

1. Celery clocking in with 64 pesticides.

2. Peaches with as many as 62 pesticides.

3.Strawberries, especially out of season, with up to 59 pesticides

sources: Reader's Digest by Liz Kennedy

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

When politics going to stop?

Okay, this is a very stupid question, but come on, seeing people attack each other make me laugh, i know they aren't going to stop, and never will be, we'll just praying that one day the time will come when people in politic unites and we'll be peace....

Creative Billboard


the unknown brand for alien, might just maybe alien that hang it there

hahahaa.....your nose hair sticking out of it...ewwwwwww

transparent billboard, wait, how they put the people there???

this one is the nicer.....

p/s= all of the picture in this blog is not for any party's benefit, we did not take any profit from the published material

working with mytv3

these are some of the picture from working at melaka maju 2010 with mytv3

Are very much loving the photoshop

ha, most would love Photoshop because you can personally  change your  face, be overly self-centered,  but for me, th existence of Photoshop is to make the photo itself look advanced, that's why we called that asPhotoshop, not Faceshop, we already had faceshop for a product, why need it as software???haha..not funny, i know...
here are some of the photo that i had made advance, with the before and after


Monday, November 8, 2010

Resipi Puding Karamel


6 biji telur (grade A)
Susu cair, (or kalau nak sedap susu HL) satu tin
Gula Pasir 5 susu besar (if tak nak manis sangat bleh kurangkan sikit)
Gula kastor, (atau gula halus) 3 sudu
esen vanilla 1 sudu kecil

loyang yang paling kecil korang ada


memula panaskan pengukus dalam api yang paling kecik sekali, ingat paling kecil sekali!!!!

untuk karamel
1. memula, cairkan gula kat atas kuali, sampai kaler dia kekuningan , pastikan jangan sampai keemasan 
sebab nanti pahit
2.then, after dia cair sepenuhnya, tuang kan sedikit air panas, biar dia cair, cause it too sticky nanti tak bleh nak ratakan atas loyang, nak sedap tak yah tuang air, tuang sikit susu panas...
3. pastikan korang buat dulu mixture untuk puding baru buat karamel ni sebab nati dia dah keras susah nak ratakan

untuk puding:
1. campur susu, gula, esen vanilla,dan kacau
2.lepas semua dah sebati dengan susu, masukkan 6 biji telur tadi, kacau gentlely (ingat gentlely)jangan bagi dia berbuih
3. ambil loyang kecil tadi, and then tuang kan karamel, goyangkan loyang tu supaya karamel boleh merebak ke seluruh loyang (kalau korang guna sudu, nanti sudu susah nak basuh)
4. pastu tuang mixture puding tadi dekat atas karamel tadi.hati hati tau!!
5.the kukus selama 30 minit- 35 minit/ atau bila agak2 dah masak tu angkat lah, jgn bia lama sgt nanti gula hangus sgt tak sedap
6. bila dah masak, suka ati nak telangkupkan ke tak atas pinggan tapi piece of advices???better terlangkupkan, and then sejukkan baru sedap untuk dimakan!!!

TIPS:::tips ni i ambik kat internet dengan pertolongan Edward Cullen;p dah diguna pakai and it's work!!

>pastikan api tu betul-betul kecik (tapi jangan samapi kecik sangat air tu tak panas langsung), tapi pastikan kecik lah, cause bila api besar skit je dari yang kecik tu, nanti puding tu berlubang-lubang sebab die mendidih, jadi macam nasi pulak, berlubang-lubang
>and jangan pukul telur kuat sangat jugak, i penah buat, dan hasilnya, puding i macam permukaan bulan yang berjerawat tuh...tak cantik dah..(tapi tetap sedap)
>ada orang buat letak susu pekat, so kalau nak susu pekat, tambah air separuh daripada tin tu dan jangan tambah gula, tapi i prefer susu cair sebab tak manis sangat
>kalau nak cantik lagi or nak commercialize ke, tuang karamel tu dalam bekas2 yang kecik2, and then baru tuang mixture of pudding tu, and then susun dalam pengukus...hasilnya sama je..cuma cantik sikit lah, kalau nak bagi bf blehlah..
> ada sesetengah orang masukkan tepung kastard, tapi i tak suka, rasa pelik,so i tak nak letak tepung kastard 2, nak letak pun bleh je, 2 sudu je tapi..
lastly, selamat mencuba!!!
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