Thursday, February 7, 2013

Quitting Smoking

It's been a year since I had my last cigarette. It came naturally, simply because I can't find the time to smoke without my mom being suspicious and without the smell linger for hours. I've been on and off with smoking for the last five years and I think this is the longest I can go without even touching a single cigarette. Needless to say, I'm happy with the life I've chosen and this is the best I can do to my body ( despite the fact that I can't stop eating greasy stuff and red meat.)

Now that I've quit smoking, the smoke and the smell that linger after my co-workers on cigarette break on toilet make me dizzying as hell. I can even smell the slightest amount of a prove that someone is smoking. My boss even asked me why I hate people who smoke so much, because each time he tried to lit a cigarette around me, my nose cringe and I instantly brought a tissue to my nose as if trying to covering any smell. Seriously, I don't hate smoking. I just can't stand the smell. Because I used to smoke and the smell brought up any trace of addiction I once have. I afraid I might not be able to control myself. There are times when after I had dinner ( usually dinner I don't know why ), I longed for something . And usually I just chew gum or eat something really sour to cover up my urge to smoke. It's hard at first but as the times goes, the urge just disappear.

Love always,

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